Wednesday March 15, 2006

Cameron began working with Brenda Richardson today. She is a Developmental interventionist who will work with him in many different areas of development. They played peak-a-boo, learned the sign for "more", played with many different objects to see if he knew the "function". An example: she gave him a toy phone to see if he knew to put it to his ear. Cameron loved playing with her. He had a great session. She told me that he had a lot of good skills to build on. She also mentioned that she was concerned that he may have "sensory issues". (Taste, touch, etc.).
Cameron also began Cranialsachrial Therapy this week with Diane Light. She is a message therapist at Dr. Oldencamp's office. Dr. Oldencamp is also continuing his Chiropractic treatments with Cameron. He does enjoy going to see Dr. Oldencamp. He has a favorite window where he watches the traffic go by and he is always so good and happy during his adjustment, he just puts his little hands up to his neck & bats his eyes in anticipation. Dr. Oldencamp is great with Cameron! I truly think the adjustments are helping him. He hasn't been 'fixed' on the TV as much and it has been a while since he has been running on the rug or circling the knotholes in the floor. The casein & gluten free diet is helping too.


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