
Showing posts from 2006

Tuesday March 21, 2006

Jan Sandidge came to visit Cameron today. She is a speech therapist with the First Steps program. Her evaluation of Cameron showed that his Language expression (what he says) is at the 0-3 month old range and his Language comprehension (what he understands) is at the 6-9 month old range. She recommended making him a little photo album of his own by taking digital pictures of things that he knows (cup, ball, mom, etc.) and using it as a tool to get him to tell us what he wants. She also recommended starting sign language with him too.

Wednesday March 15, 2006

Cameron began working with Brenda Richardson today. She is a Developmental interventionist who will work with him in many different areas of development. They played peak-a-boo, learned the sign for "more", played with many different objects to see if he knew the "function". An example: she gave him a toy phone to see if he knew to put it to his ear. Cameron loved playing with her. He had a great session. She told me that he had a lot of good skills to build on. She also mentioned that she was concerned that he may have "sensory issues". (Taste, touch, etc.). Cameron also began Cranialsachrial Therapy this week with Diane Light. She is a message therapist at Dr. Oldencamp's office. Dr. Oldencamp is also continuing his Chiropractic treatments with Cameron. He does enjoy going to see Dr. Oldencamp. He has a favorite window where he watches the traffic go by and he is always so good and happy during his adjustment, he just puts his little hands up to his

Friday March 10, 2006

Today was our very first trip to see our DAN Dr. In Brentwood Tennessee. Dr. Anthony Chapdelaine specializes in natural & alternative medicine. He was very knowledgeable and shared his Autism expertise with us in a way that was very easy to understand. We came home with 5 test kits to perform on Cameron. After we have completed the testing, the results will be sent to Dr. Chapdelaine. Will will go for our 2nd appointment and be given a portfolio that contains the results and a plan for Cameron's treatment.

Cameron 1 year old


March 5, 2006

We celebrated Kelsey's 3rd birthday today. In the middle of the party & fell out the front door! How Graceful! I literally was crawling at the end of the evening because my foot hurt so badly. My friend Coleen had brought me a gift and when I finally got to bed I opened it & there was this wonderful book by Joyce Meyers, The Battlefield of the Mind. I also received an e-mail from another friend, Shirley, she reminded my that sometimes we need to "crawl into Jesus arms and rest". God is once again in control!! I am in the bed resting & enjoying my book.

March 3, 2006

We went back to see Dr. Oldencamp for another adjustment today. He gave him another adjustment. He said he could really feel the plate that was shifted in his head move today! We discussed the herbs & decided to go ahead a try these twice a day. when I made Cameron's appointment with the DAN DR. The earliest they could make the appointment was for March 21st. Today I got a letter from them that said the moved him to an "established" spot on March 10th. Once again God is doing things that I could not. With Autism Early intervention is critical, so 11 days is a big difference! Kelly & I also met with our Pastor Mark Hale and were so uplifted by his words of comfort to us. We left his office with a new outlook, a mutual consent to one of our biggest obstacles as a couple and an abundance of HOPE for our son.

March 2, 2006

Things are really "moving" today. One of the first question the Dr. Oldencamp asked me was "does he suffer from constipatation". Apparently the disk in his back that was out of alignment was the one that controls the colon and bowel functions. To truly appreciate this little story you should know that Cameron has suffered from what I refer to as the "poop balls". For the last several months has has just continually passed small hard round feces all day. Rarerly ever a "normal" movement. Just after one adjustment things are moving regularly!! He had FIVE distinctly different bowel movements!! From what I have learned, an empacted colon allows toxins to be released into the body. Cameron's little body just could not rid itself of these toxins.

March 1, 2006

God is opening doors for Cameron & I am so thankful. A friend shared with us the a young boy had recovered from Autism with the help of Cranial Therapy and that we had a person here in Glasgow that did this type of procedure. I called & they immediately got us in!! Dr. Oldencamp who is DR. of chiropractor saw Cameron and is so excited to get to work with him-Imagine a Dr. being excited!! He was so caring & concerned. He was very reassuring to me. An x-ray was taken of Cameron's neck & base of the spinal column. He has a plate that is shifted to the right & pressing on his nerves. He also has a disc in his back that is slipped out of alignment. He received his first "adjustment". It has had an immediate calming effect on him today. He is not interested in the television & allowed me to just massage his little legs & back until he fell asleep. Dr. Oldencamp recommended that we give him blue green algae (Chlorella) for a heavy metal detoxification

February 28, 2006

Dr. Anthony Chapdelaine in Brentwood Tennessee is going to see Cameron on March 21, 2006. Dr. Chapdelaine is a "DAN" Dr. I have also found a "Defeat Autism Now" conference that is going to be held in Washington DC April 6-10th. I am praying that a way will be provided for us to go so that we can get the latest information on Autism & find out first hand what is working & what is not in the treatment of autism. I also want to know more about what causes this disease. I am starting Cameron on a Gluten Free, casein Free diet. I am not giving him any white refined sugar or artificial food coloring. I am still very sad, but I know God is hearing my prayers because He has sent so many concerned calls & e-mails my way. I am Blessed with a loving & caring network of family & friends! I am very proud of Kelly-he is being so strong & supportive.

February 27, 2006

Today Cameron turned 18 months old. We saw Dr. Carl Myers at the Regional Child development Center in Bowling Green KY. Dr. Myers diagnosed him with Autism. My heart is broken. I am researching and trying to find a "Defeat Autism Now" Doctor. I am determined to find help for him so the he can recover!!