What the World Urgently needs to Know!

Autism, Stem Cells and What the World URGENTLY Needs to Know: The Body Ecology Perspective
by Donna Gates for BodyEcology.com

Are you worried about the health of your children? Autism now affects 1 out of every 150 children born, but there is something we can do about it. Stem cell therapy is a new autism treatment that in addition to diet and lifestyle changes can heal our youngest generation and those to come.
As you know, I created the Body Ecology Diet to heal systemic fungal, viral and bacterial infections.
It has become clear over time that the Body Ecology program provides healing for many different kinds of physical problems. In fact, most of the health problems we suffer from today are fungal (or yeast) based...even cancer. This is certainly true for children who are suffering from an infection we now call autism. Spreading the word that autism is both treatable and preventable is a major goal.
Doctors and scientists are not exactly sure why children develop autism, but the statistics are frightening: roughly 1 out of every 150 children born is diagnosed with autism.1
Healing autism and other childhood development disorders has become a passion of mine. And while I understand the incredible power of nutrition and lifestyle support, I also seek therapies that will create the major shift parents of children with autism are seeking.
Stem cell therapy is a welcome discovery in our fight to greatly improve or eliminate autism from the lives of our children.
For this reason, I have been collaborating with Dr. Leonard Smith, who along with six other colleagues authored a research paper called Stem Cell Therapy for Autism. Dr. Smith and I are excited about how stem cell therapy, the Body Ecology program and some simple lifestyle changes can heal children with autism.
Here's what you need to know about these cutting edge techniques for autism treatment.
The Stem Cell and Autism Connection
What are stem cells?
Stem cells are primal cells that can divide and differentiate to become like any other more specialized cells in your body. The three types of stem cells are embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells and cord blood stem cells.
Embryonic stem cells are the most controversial because they are harvested from human embryos, while the other stem cells can be obtained from adult tissue or from the umbilical cord and placenta of newborn babies and their mothers without damage to them.
Why use stem cells for children with autism?
Children with autism suffer from two major conditions:
Immune dysregulation
Hypoperfusion is decreased blood flow to the brain, meaning that the brain does not receive enough oxygen and cannot function normally.
Any time there is not enough blood flowing to the brain, the brain cells become inflamed and make more nitric oxide. This opens up the cells to receive too much calcium, which damages the mitochondria (that make the energy for cells). As a result, the brain cells die from lack of food.
Immune dysregulation in children with autism means that their immune systems do not respond normally to stimulation. When the body signals to the immune system that it needs help (like when the brain becomes inflamed) the proper immune response and subsequent healing do not occur in children with autism.
Instead, children with autism often have continually suppressed immune systems, chronic inflammation and suffer from autoimmune responses.
An autoimmune response happens when your body does not recognize your cells as your own and actually attacks the good cells. Autoimmune disorders include Crohn's disease and multiple sclerosis, in addition to autism.
Immune dysregulation is very apparent in the gastrointestinal health of children with autism.
Most suffer from symptoms ranging from diarrhea, gas, and bloating to intestinal lesions and inflammation of their gastrointestinal system.
Researchers have discovered that two kinds of stem cells can specifically address the hypoperfusion and immune dysregulation that are characteristic of children with autism.
The Stem Cell Therapy - Autism Theory
Dr. Fabio Solano has used CD34+ stem cells from cord blood and mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) as a successful autism treatment.
Cord blood CD34+ stem cells injected into the patient improve blood flow to the brain, which supplies the brain with more oxygen and results in improved central nervous system functioning.
Mesenchymal stem cells are used to heal immune dysregulation in people with Crohn's disease and can also suppress the inflammation in children with autism and address their fundamental immune abnormality.
Using these two kinds of stem cells together can heal both the brain and the gut for a unique treatment that has great potential!
To learn more about the research that Dr. Leonard Smith and his colleagues performed, go to the Journal of Translational Medicine to read Stem Cell Therapy for Autism.

Leonard Smith, M.D., is a renowned gastrointestinal, vascular and general surgeon as well as an expert in the use of nutrition and natural supplementation. His research on stem cell therapy as an autism treatment is ground breaking, but he still believes that it is only one part of conquering the autism epidemic. Donna Gates and Dr. Leonard Smith are teaming up to create a better solution for autism that combines stem cell therapy with a healing Body Ecology diet and lifestyle program.
Patricia vs. Autism
Dr. Fabio Solano regularly treats patients with CD34+ stem cells and mesenchymal stem cells.
In fact, you can see the progress of one of his young patients on YouTube! Patricia Cabrera is a young girl who has had successful stem cell therapy to treat autism. Follow her progress with stem cell therapy in Patricia
vs. Autism Parts 1, 2, & 3
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Under the supervision of Dr. Solano, her healing is remarkable, and her verbal and interpersonal skills visibly improve. For Patricia and other patients, stem cell therapy is an amazing solution that offers hope for a normal life.
Is stem cell therapy a viable autism treatment?
Stem cell therapy appears to be a safe way to treat autism, though it does take several treatments over the course of a year and may not be covered by insurance.
Stem cell therapy does have the potential to help a large number of children with autism; however, it is a major intervention, and children with autism need to be healthy from the inside out.
As Dr. Smith says, "Stem cell therapy is the dessert, not the main course," and nutrition and lifestyle should support optimal health.
Indeed, autism is a complex disorder, with complex causes. Even doctors are not sure exactly why it happens.
I believe that a subset of children have genomic variations in their detoxification pathways as well as serious immunologic issues. In addition, children whose mothers had candida, viruses or heavy metal toxins in their blood during pregnancy pass those issues on to their children. Then, these children with already weak immunity are exposed to toxins through vaccinations.
Exposure to candida, viral infections and heavy metals puts some children more at risk, and with the continual environmental and dietary toxins in our modern world, we are seeing more and more neurological disorders in both children and adults.
To learn more about the causes of autism read The Root Causes of Autism: A Supposed Mystery That is Not So Mysterious
Fortunately, the human body is very flexible, and autism does not happen to everyone. I do believe that we can heal this condition, from the inside out.
Body Ecology Healing Autism

Autism can be healed, and Body Ecology is uniquely suited to addressing developmental disorders like autism, ADD, ADHD and Asperger's Syndrome. In this revolutionary guide, you can learn the specific approaches that heal children and help them lead normal lives. Get your copy of The Natural Autism Solution today!
The Body Ecology system for health and healing is especially suited to treating autism and can be the "main course" of the autism solution.
This all-natural program impacts health even without stem cell therapy!
The Body Ecology system:
Creates the needed energy to heal
Boosts immunity
Helps heal gastrointestinal distress
Helps detoxifies your body
Conquers infections because it is anti-fungal and anti-viral
Body Ecology is unique because it is based on seven universal principles that when practiced lead to answers for most health problems. These principles show us how to create ideal health and they are timeless and work for anyone. We also emphasize the healing of your intestines as one of the most important first steps to great health. By encouraging the growth of good bacteria in your gut with our 7 superfoods along with fermented foods and drinks, you naturally create a healthy inner ecosystem that supports your health and healing, no matter what your current condition!
To find out more about your inner ecosystem and Body Ecology's healing foods, read The Quick and Easy Guide to Improving Your Health on the Body Ecology Diet Part I: The First 7 Steps to Great Health.Here are the important components to defeating autism with the Body Ecology program:
Antioxidants in fresh, whole foods reduce inflammation
Fermented foods and drinks like raw, cultured vegetables and fermented drinks populate your gut with the beneficial bacteria (probiotics) that keep you healthy and strong.
Regular exercise including walking, yoga and rebounding enhances oxygen in your blood, health, emotional wellbeing, and digestion.
Improving emotional health with the top-recommended Sedona Method enables you - in a very easy-to-learn and easy-to-use manner - to let go of the emotional toxins that create stress and illness. I strongly encourage you to learn more about The Sedona Method and use it to help you overcome negative emotions!
Detoxification clears your body's natural elimination pathways, which is especially important for children with autism. Body Ecology does this beautifully using Young Coconut Kefir. This refreshing drink, rich in probiotics, cleanses your liver and removes toxins (like heavy metals) naturally.
Preparing for pregnancy before conception. Prospective new moms and dads can create healthy babies by following the Body Ecology Way of Life for at least six months before they conceive their baby. By nourishing her body with delicious foods of The Diet and by following our detoxification guidelines, autism, ADD and many other childhood illnesses can be totally prevented. Read What Every Girl & Woman Needs to Know NOW if They Ever Want to Have a Baby to learn more about preparing for conception.
Autism: A Call to ActionTruly, autism is a wake up call from our children, showing us the rampant toxicity in our food and our environment. We can all benefit from taking action to stop this tragic epidemic. Let's quickly learn the lessons these beautiful children are bringing to us and begin right now to improve the health of children and adults everywhere in the world.
The Body Ecology program supports you in changing your lifestyle to create inner health that also impacts our planet.
To learn more about what you can do to fight autism, read Autism's Wake Up Call and What You Can Do Now
Weiss, Rick. 1 in 150 Children in U.S. Has Autism, New Survey Finds. Washington Post. February 2007.http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/02/08/AR2007020801883.html
Other Sources:
Smith, et al, "Stem Cell Therapy for Autism," Journal of Translational Medicine 2007, 5:30. http://www.translational-medicine.com/content/5/1/30#IDABE20Y
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